
Terminate a former employee's email sessions

What you need to know about terminating an employee's email session

Here's information about how to get an employee out of email (Exchange).

What you can do How you do it
Terminate a session (such as Outlook on the web, Outlook, Exchange active sync, etc.) and force to open a new session Reset password
Terminate a session and block access to future sessions (for all protocols) Disable the account. For example (in the Exchange admin center or using PowerShell):
Set-Mailbox -AccountDisabled:$true
Terminate the session for a particular protocol (such as ActiveSync) Disable the protocol. For example (in the Exchange admin center or using PowerShell):
Set-CASMailbox -ActiveSyncEnabled:$false

The above operations can be done in 3 places:

If you terminate the session here How long it takes
In the Exchange admin center or using PowerShell Expected delay is within 30 min
In the Azure Active Directory admin center Expected delay is 60 min
In an on-premises environment Expected delay is 3 hours or more
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